Kaien Shinjiro

Cursed Monk | Consumer of Yokai | Shrine Keeper


A man feared to be cursed, Kaien is a monk who survives off the deaths of friends and family.


Intertwining roots collide in the strangest ways, oftentimes in circumstances one least expects them to.


Everything to know about the player including their preferences and contact information.


Full NameKaien Shinjiro
RaceHyur (Midlander)
Height5'9" (Before Consumption) 7'6" (After Consumption)
Marital StatusSingle
SexualityPrefers men.
Eye ColourFoggy grey (Before Consumption) Bright Gold (After Consumption)
Hair ColourLight silver. His hair has been kept quite long, and is rarely ever cut.
Body ShapePhysically fit and muscular with a strong back and broad shoulders.
Accent:Kaien has a relatively thick Doman accent, but is more than capable of communicating in day-to-day serious conversations with Eorzeans. His voice alone is rough and thick like tar, but surprisingly deep, quiet, and crisp.
Curse:With the excessive amounts of yokai he's consumed, Kaien's body has been filled with numerous curses and differing aetheric blends that his body has been mutated, rotted, and been reborn. His skin has transformed into a sickly grey and green, while the area around his heart and right arm has devolved into shades of black and purple. Veins bulge and pulsate from his core, and his very muscles seem to move as if controlled by another being. It brings him both great pleasure, and great pain.
Unique TraitsHis eyes are incredibly narrow and snake-like, with many mistakenly assuming he is either blind or simply walks around with his eyes closed. Of course, that would be quite difficult to do, but it does give him a rather wise and peaceful appearance according to some villagers.
Severe InjuriesKaien is littered with scars, permanent bruises, and burn marks from his hands to his feet.
ReligionThe Kami
AlignmentChaotic Neutral
OccupationKaien wanders under the guise of a nomadic monk and onmyoji. He offers spiritual advice, cleans up old shrines, cares for the sick, and overall aids in the supernatural and physical protection of isolated towns that lack access to proper medication or supplies. He never stays in one spot for long, often moving from small village to village with the jingling sound of his shakujo staff alerting others of his arrival like a shop bell. It is not uncommon for people to actively seek him out if they have something particularly complex or horrifying that needs solving, though he is often considered a local hidden gem and is left to his own devices. However, his actual goals for doing so are to find new yokai and curses to consume for himself.


WAR AND GARLEANS | "Silently, I watched their heads roll. While they remained stoic and prepared for their demise, I saw only one option for me — I offered my services to them. You would think monks were without judgement and hatred, but the looks they gave me that day proved that they were not above their humanity. I betrayed my family because I feared death, but what's worse is that I still do and would make the same mistake again."Back during Garlean occupation, many of the monks of his temple were forced into the military. There was outrage. His peaceful collective, having sworn never to end a life regardless of how small, was met with a terrible dilemma; serve or die. Most decided to die, while Kaien -- only sixteen at the time -- chose to live. He had been involved in the Garlean Doman unit until shortly before the resistance took place. It wasn't until the final few years of his service that Kaien had managed to make quite a name for himself with his fellow colleagues, enough so that the Garleans fully recognized their martial discipline and skill, offering them better positions and higher rewards. However, regardless of their training or reputation, they were still the same group who survived off of betrayal, and the moment the Garleans lost, they abandoned their comrades to die. Kaien holds little to no respect for Garleans, especially after forcing a group of pacifist monks to fight their wars for them.FORSAKEN MONK | Due to his overwhelming fear of death, Kaien acted upon the ultimate taboo for his collective: he consumed the spirits he was meant to guide and purify. It started with small spirits, the souls being torn from bodies into the life stream, before devolving into full born yokai and monstrous curses. If he hadn't, he would have indeed died many times over, but now he walks a life constantly haunted by the kami he had prayed for and the souls he once had guardianship over. All levels of heaven and hell seek repayment, and his debt only grows.SEEKING POWER | Kaien has managed to maintain a rather innocent status amongst the villages who don't know him or his past. This allows him to come and go out of shrines, people's homes, and areas of potentially vast spiritual power without many doubting the validity of his professionalism. However, his intentions are not nearly as altruistic as people believe. With every village he visits, he consumes yokai, souls, and kami for power. Villages are confused when their good fortune suddenly disappears, or when the sickness of their child fades into nothingness. As there are positive and negative impacts to the area when yokai and kami are consumed/removed, most don't consider or even care to investigate the situation until it is far too late. Recently, villagers have been running into strange tales of children and adults that were supposedly blessed by the Kami going missing. Only the lower half of a small child was found in the woods, and the village doctor claimed it to be the attack of a tiger. Each village has offered up their own tales as a reasoning for the disappearances, and each time, Kaien has been the one to validate their fears.WELL-TRAVELLED | Kaien has traveled everywhere from Doma, to Kugane, through Ala Mhigo to Gridania, Ul'dah, and Limsa Lominsa. There's a possibility you may have seen him offering medical assistance or selling small handcrafted curios during festivals with other monks.APPEARANCE | Kaien seems to emit a strange clinking or jingling sound whenever he walks as if wearing a full suit made of iron swords. Even his Shamisen, an instrument he enjoys playing, is surprisingly heavy. This is all seemingly hidden underneath his thick monk robes, which is adorned with multiple layers of cloth and the personal addition of armor. He won't be sneaking anywhere anytime soon.


Open to all sorts of genres including psychological horror, mystery, and violent adult themes as long as all parties/companies involved are consenting and above the age of 18. No exceptions!Zero patience for metagamers, OOC drama, and godmodders. If you have an issue with me or are concerned with any of the content that may occur within our roleplay, please let me know when you can. I am more than happy to maintain an open line of judgment-free communication with those interacting with me or my characters. I would much rather both of us feel comfortable, happy, and safe in an escapism environment.I am completely open to being attacked, kidnapped, robbed from, and everything in-between as long as the circumstances are reasonable and realistic. With this in mind, I also expect the same courtesy from you.IC =/= OOC | Just because my character acts a certain way, it is in no way a reflection on me as a player or my opinions. In the same vein, just because our characters are in a relationship or flirt with one another, does not mean I am romantically/sexually interested in you as a player or am romantically committed to you. Should any romance or ERP take place, whether over the long-term or for the night, I have no personal feelings about the act beyond the perspective of a committed writer and you as a reader, or vice versa.(Player is 19+) | AST | WU/T | M/DRP[Player is currently in architecture school, and during the school year, I often come home relatively late and find it difficult to settle down to roleplay for long hours due to exhaustion. As such, I am not available as a long-term roleplay partner at this time due to my inconsistent time online and energy levels. My apologies.]Feel free to contact me on discord if you have any questions, comments or concerns: (boxofcarrots)